
Here you need to define a list of attributes to be displayed in the final report.


OK, here is the list of entities for the final report and its values.


Please take into account one small thing: for secondary entities to be displayed in the final report, you must add a special attribute for an entity and enable the "Use attribute for entity object" option using the switcher here.


With enabling this option, you will get a column with the alias name and all data for secondary entities, but it will be divided into different columns if you enable the flat format. Now let's go through all settings for "Result Table Attributes."


The first setting is "Name of the Attribute." Then it's followed by "The Entity Name" from which the attribute will be taken. Here you also see "The Alias name for the attribute" which will be displayed in the header of a column. Switcher for enabling "Use attribute for entity object. "Data source name" — currently there is only the "OpenSearch" option available. The "Hide from the result" option works by hiding this value from the results table, but it can be used later for post-processing if you need the values of this attribute to make some calculations and display the outcome based on the values of this attribute.

Here is the post-processing function switcher, and the option for "Pass full record object to the postprocess function." You can learn about post-processing in the respective video on the SKyPRO Academy page. "Field width" in pixels — here you define the minimum width of a column in the web interface in the report results table. There is also the "Achieve left side fixed columns by setting fixed property" option.


The last tab — post-processing — is described in one of our previous videos.


Thank you for your attention and take care.

Should you have any questions or require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time swsupport.skypro@skypro.ch