ACDI Release Notes for v4.0.4


  • [AS-736] - BaseDN on ACD 3.x could be a string or array, migration could copy it incorrectly

  • [AS-750] - fix ES -> OS data migration limit (fields with more than 32K will crash script)

  • [AS-764] - Bug if connector name contains "-"


New Features

  • [AS-703] - Change the date-time format from the UI

  • [AS-762] - Create Release and Test

  • [AS-765] - Add Snapshot details for the Audit-Report



  • [AS-754] - Create a list of used libraries and licenses for them



  • [AS-738] - Print information about RAM, CPUs, and Disk Space when running an install/upgrade script

  • [AS-745] - Rename Menu Item History "Browser" to "Time Machine"

  • [AS-749] - Move the "Create Dashboards" to the ACDI Modules

  • [AS-751] - fix Time Zone if the back-end and front-end have different

  • [AS-752] - Config Multiple Data Connectors using WebUI

  • [AS-763] - ACDI Consistency - Notation in UI