ACDI Release Notes for v24.3
[AS-801] - Time Machine search text case issue
[AS-803] - Reporting. Flat format does not work by default if this option turned on
[AS-816] - Reporting. Linkage problems for reports with 2+ entities and no "mandatory" in one of them
[AS-817] - Workflow package - typo in GCV name
[AS-822] - Search if object have been created recently gives no results
[AS-823] - "Search Object" imput clean up issue
[AS-826] - Workflow package - add HTTP header to support basic auth
[AS-856] - Typo in default email templates
[AS-857] - Typo in LDAP auth "Additional attributes"
[AS-858] - Reports. date_time filters are always absolute if report is Scheduled
[AS-870] - Logstash can not push data to opensearch
[AS-875] - Report Export schedule bug
[AS-879] - OSD Maps are blocking by CORS
[AS-887] - Workflow monitor - fix log messages
[AS-889] - Search error on ACDI Users/Groups manage
[AS-891] - ACDI Monitor - Attribute changes wasn't sent in case of disable saving of "event doc"
[AS-896] - ACDI multiple roles in multiple Groups/Roles issue
[AS-899] - "_" in ACDI FQDN
[AS-921] - ACDI driver shim TLS1.3 Error while sending to OS
[AS-922] - Report editor. Can not use custom time field for entity
[AS-925] - Installer crash if system has not Cron tasks defined
[AS-946] - Can not save Predefined filters for reports
[AS-949] - Lostash admin has not needed (not working) entity - Credentials
[AS-950] - asschedules index may not axist after updated from ACDI 4.1
[AS-951] - Service journals are empty after ACDI 4.1->24.3 upgrade
[AS-952] - Snapshot service, exclude attributes "Bug check" issue
[AS-953] - LDAP auth groups issue
[AS-954] - SkyPRO Basic license show to much
New Features
[AS-545] - ACD Scheduled reports index date logic for list of indices
[AS-917] - Schedule AD snapshot, AD DirSync and Logstash if it was defined during Installation
Other Tasks
[AS-814] - Workflow package - move date format into GCV
[AS-871] - Don't move schedule definition on save
[AS-904] - Data Collection Tool for ACDI
[AS-905] - ACDI NAM Integration over UI, custom logstash connectors over ui
[AS-908] - We need to have upgrade mechanism for the ACDI 24.x and 4.x and 3.x
[AS-909] - Exclude custom attributes from the snapshot. Remove Encruption data from AD Snapshot and DirSync
[AS-910] - Scheduler improvement. Add possibility to change Report query on schedule run
[AS-911] - Allow to remove records from the result table via postprocessing script
[AS-915] - Role assignment filter out groups which have no mapping attribute
[AS-923] - Make TLS downgrade logic for auditDriver (SKyPRO) version.
[AS-924] - Include NAM new Dashboards and Reports. Icons, colors and tags
[AS-926] - Update Audit Driver and appshim in package
[AS-929] - update Snapshot eDir, AD and DirSync with new version
[AS-930] - Update NAM integration scripts with the latest
[AS-931] - as_config UrlsAndRoles add logstash and logstash manage
[AS-932] - enrich license Matrix with Logstash custom connectors
[AS-933] - Set default design for Front-end and Back end as SKyPRO
[AS-934] - Set /opt/acdi as default installation folder
[AS-935] - ACDI installer test needed (all possible cases)
[AS-936] - ACDI upgrade from ACD 3.1 and DATA MIGRATION test needed
[AS-940] - switch snapshot services, dirsync, logstash data save directly to Opensearch
[AS-941] - We need to make backup of customer Dashboards, Reports on ACDI update
[AS-942] - Need to compare and enrich Report and Dashbaords on ACDI update
[AS-945] - AuditServer restart require after license applied
[AS-948] - Add details, to stop driver before UPDATE
[AS-865] - Driver Filter updates
[AS-892] - History Browser snapshot limit is 100
[AS-900] - ACDI login sequence
[AS-927] - ACDI reporting. Report`s "range query" with custom date formats
[AS-937] - NAM Dasboards
[AS-938] - ACDI Reporting issue with reports based on logstash-NAM indices
[AS-939] - OSD dashboards issue
[AS-947] - NAM default reports